Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Paper Twirlies Challenge May 2012

The PaperTwirlies team is up for a new inspiration challenge!  With some willing fellow Etsy sellers, there is a host of pictures to keep us inspired for some time.  The first challenge photo is brought to us by Clothscapes (a charming name).

"A dramatic quilt made with cream organic cotton surrounding a graduated square spiral of 84 different shades, beginning with deep purple in the center and moving all the way through the spectrum to end with deep red."


  • Use ANY picture in this listing as your inspiration
  • Use ANY aspect of this picture as your inspiration: be it the item, the materials, the setting, the mood, the audience, whatever!
  • Your submission does not have to be a new product

Inspired paper quilled creations will be accepted until May 31.  Okay, PaperTwirlies team, let's see how you are inspired!  Check back often to see the entries.

1 comment:

Quilly Nilly said...

Very nice indeed - love the way it forms the color blocks.